

15-HQ Video Tutorials – Useful for Students (more than 90 minutes of videos)

Video Titles:

 1. Stuck at home during a pandemic? Activities to avoid getting crazy!
2. 10 creative & fun family activities you can do at home
 3. 10 tips to stay healthy while you’re stuck at home
 4. 10 daily home workout habits you can start today
 5. 10 tips to always stay positive when the world goes crazy
 6. 10 healthy habits to boost your immune system
 7. 10 creative ways to entertain your kids during a Pandemic
 8. 10 tips for aging persons during a pandemic
 9. 10 things to avoid when quarantined during a pandemic
 10. Pandemic? It’s not the end of the world!
 11. Facing a pandemic and not panic
 12. Have the right reflexes when self-isolating
 13. Reconnecting with family members during a pandemic
 14. Get your Pandemic Emergency Kit ready
 15. How Past Pandemics can prepare businesses to face new ones